Software Testing

We Mind the Gap

Keeping your products competitive with our high caliber manual and automated testing services

Our team has experience in testing a wide variety of software, mobile and web platforms using all of the most up-to-date testing tools available. From fully outsourced IT services to strategy consulting and test automation, Second Foundation’s services are designed to suit the varying needs of software companies, large companies with dedicated QA teams and digital creative companies.

Manual Testing Services

Manual Testing is a black-box testing method which involves converting the functional requirements of the product into Manual Functional Test Cases which provide a swift and objective way to assess the status of expected functionality.

Second Foundation has a deep understanding of the tools and techniques used for QA and testing services. Our manual testing service is most effective for UI and User Acceptance Testing, Error Handling testing, Installation and Security. Our highly experienced and well qualified team of manual functional testers within Second Foundation can help you make your product competitive.

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Automated Testing Services

Automation testing is the key to implement faster test cycles by automatically performing a suite of tests using an automated test tool. Automated testing offers test cycles that can be 90 percent faster than manual procedures.

Second Foundation offers end-to-end automated testing services to fast-track customer business expansion, reduce business risks, as well as achieve higher reliability and ROI. Our solution is driven by automation objectives and not by tool capability.

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Security Testing Services

In any business it is top priority to keep customer information secure and private. This makes it critically important to run a test of your app’s security with seasoned security professionals. 

Second Foundation's security experts will dig deep to uncover the issues that can cost you time, money and reputation. Let our professional security experts explore the complexities of your app, uncover security and privacy vulnerabilities and provide you with a robust report and actionable plan.

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API Testing Services

As the risks associated with application failure have broader business impacts, the integrity of the API's you produce and consume is now more important than ever.

Second Foundation can provide QA engineering and web testing services to assist you in thoroughly testing the functionality and performance of your API. Second Foundation has a long history of testing APIs for some of the largest players in the tech industry.

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Full Life Cycle Testing Services

In the entire development process, testing consumes the highest amount of time and effort. It includes a number of stages from requirements, test plans and design to final reporting.

Second Foundation's Full Life Cycle Testing service is a single-window quality solution that integrates performance testing and efficient QA processes into every stage of the software development life cycle to give you shorter time-to-market, better cost control, and freedom from dealing with increasingly complex systems and regulatory guidelines.

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We have the privilege of working with some of the well-known companies.
Trantor Client: Advice for Parents
Trantor Client: Marple Physio
Trantor Client: Empire Cycles Ltd.
Second Foundation's Technology Partners

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