Customer Acquisition Services

Conventional customer acquisition processes followed by banks and financial institutions are not enough to meet the aggressive competition and tech-evolution. To achieve an optimal balance of scalability and cost in the long-run, acquisition costs should decrease while gross margins should increase.

Second Foundation offers strategic customer acquisition services which significantly expand the customer base while at the same time reduce the associated costs. Our lead generation and automation systems help you build a comprehensive data ecosystem which enables you to capitalize on the disruption in the financial services industry. With our omni-channel campaigns and comprehensive data management systems, we enable quick and cost-effective customer onboarding.

Customer Acquisition Services

Service Capabilities
  • Omni-channel campaigns
  • Marketing automation
  • Lead generation portals
  • Data management
  • Increased business-level control and agility
  • Reduced cost of customer acquisition
  • Uniform data with automated standardization
  • Quick integration with internal and external systems
Second Foundation's Technology Partners

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